Aviation operations & regulatory consulting with over 35 years of experience.

A highly resourceful and dedicated aviation professional with over 35 years of international aviation leadership experience, Lindsay Cadenhead works with air operators to support their operations, regulatory and training needs around the world.  

With experience in both public and private sectors as a Director of Flight Operations, Chief Pilot, Civil Aviation Inspector and Auditor, Lindsay is dedicated to supporting your organization’s strategic planning, training, administration, compliance, and safety management programs. 

Areas of Practice

Air Operator Services

Including administration and compliance, flight crew training programs, crew records management, aircraft on/offboarding, audit support and operational control support.  

Training Programs 

Training programs developed and customized for your organization’s needs for topics such as type specific training, cabin safety, pilot-in-command upgrade training and topic specific training such as CRM, CFIT, and SMS.  

Flight Checking Services 

As a Transport Canada ACP and Pilot Examiner, Lindsay can assist with flight check preparation or provide practical test services. 

Safety Management Systems

Safety Management (SMS) Program development, maintenance, emergency response plan and more.

Audit Services

As an experience auditor Lindsay can carry out an internal audit review in advance of a civil aviation authority or third-party assessment. Further he can develop an in-house quality assurance solution. 

TATC Representation 

If you or your organization has been assessed a suspension or fine, as a former Case Presenting Officer Lindsay can act as your advocate for the regulatory appeal process. 

Get in Touch

Connect to discuss your organization’s needs, or book a discovery call here.